Goa News

Goa Tourism Department Strengthens Safety Measures in Coastal Waters

Goa Tourism is deeply concerned about the safety of both tourists and residents

Goa Tourism Department Strengthens Safety Measures in Coastal Waters

In light of the recent incident at Nerul Paradise, the Department of Tourism, Government of Goa, is deeply concerned about the safety of both tourists and residents. Following this event, a thorough review of current safety protocols and measures is being conducted.

To uphold its commitment to ensuring the safety and well-being of those enjoying Goa’s coastal waters, Goa Tourism is introducing a new mandatory registration requirement for all boats operating in these areas. This initiative aims to improve the monitoring and regulation of maritime activities, guaranteeing that all vessels meet strict safety standards.

The mandatory registration process will involve comprehensive safety inspections, confirmation of compliance with maritime regulations, and compulsory safety drills for crew members. By implementing these enhanced safety protocols, Goa Tourism aims to reassure the public of its dedication to keeping Goa a secure and pleasurable destination for all.

The Minister of Tourism, Mr. Rohan A Khaunte, has emphasized the importance of compliance with regulations for watersports activities. The Goa Tourism Department has mandated that all watersports boats must first obtain a NOC from the Department before seeking approval from the Captain of Ports (COP). However, there has been a lack of adherence to this directive, particularly at Calangute beach where watersports activities are already overwhelming.

Recent incidents have underscored the need for strict enforcement of these regulations. It is crucial that all associations involved in watersports submit their data to ensure the safety of our guests. Those found operating without the proper NOC from the Goa Tourism Department will face severe repercussions. The responsibility for monitoring and regulating watersports activities falls on the Captain of Ports, and it is imperative that all stakeholders cooperate to maintain a safe environment for our visitors.

The Department of Tourism has formally notified all watersports operators that possession of an NOC from the Tourism Department is required for operating boats. Failure to comply will lead to strict enforcement actions. For operators holding both Tourism and COP NOCs, the NIWS will perform an audit to review carrying capacity and grant updated permissions for the upcoming season.

“We are committed to ensuring the safety of all individuals who enjoy our coastal areas,” stated Shri. Suneel Anchipaka, IAS, Director of Tourism and Managing Director of GTDC. “The implementation of mandatory boat registration is a critical step in our efforts to enhance oversight and regulation of water-based activities. By enforcing strict safety protocols, our goal is to maintain the highest standards of security for all participants in the dynamic recreational opportunities along our shores. We are dedicated to creating an environment where both visitors and residents can enjoy our coastal wonders with confidence in their safety. The mandatory registration of all boats will enhance our ability to monitor and regulate water activities, ensuring that safety measures are effectively followed. Our top priority is the safety and well-being of all individuals in Goa.”

Goa Tourism Department Strengthens Safety Measures in Coastal Waters

With immediate effect, all boats operating in the coastal areas of Goa must be registered with the Department of Tourism. This initiative underscores the department’s steadfast dedication to enhancing safety standards and proactively preventing future incidents. Through the enforcement of this registration requirement, the Goa Tourism Department aims to bolster oversight and accountability within the maritime tourism sector. Non-compliance with this mandate will result in significant consequences, including substantial fines of up to 1 lakh rupees and potential prohibition from operating in Goa’s waters. These rigorous measures are implemented to ensure that all maritime activities adhere to the highest safety protocols, thereby safeguarding the well-being of both tourists and residents.

Additionally, the Goa Tourism Department urges all boat operators and tour providers to prioritize safety and strictly adhere to all regulatory requirements. Our unwavering commitment is to create a safe and enjoyable environment for all visitors to the beautiful shores of Goa. By working together with stakeholders, we aim to cultivate a culture of vigilance and compliance to enhance the overall tourist experience while protecting their interests. You can trust that the Department of Tourism is proactive and vigilant in ensuring the safety of those exploring the breathtaking coastal regions of Goa.

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