Chief Minister Dr. Pramod Sawant has extended his greeting on the occasion of Teacher’s Day September 05, 2024, best wishes to the teaching community of Goa and congratulated all recipients of CM-Vashistha Guru Puraskar 2023-24.
Chief Minister in his message said that, September 5th is the birthday of late Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan, our former President, who was a highly learned and distinguished teacher, besides being a renowned educationalist and philosopher and every year it is celebrated as Teacher’s Day. He did everything possible for the improvement of the morale and the social status of the teaching community in our Country.
“Since the immemorial, the teacher has been revered as a role model who shapes the lives of youth and budding students, and gives them the light of knowledge and ignites their minds. On this day all our entire teacher’s should strive to achievethe best out of their students and society” CM said.
“While celebrating Teacher’s Day, we respectfully pay homage to Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan and recall the monumental role played by teachers as builders of our Nation” CM said.
“On this occasion, I appeal to the teaching community of Goa, to draw inspiration from Dr. Sarvapalli Radhakrishnan and discharge their duties with renewed sense of dedication and commitment. I once again extend my greetings and felicitations to all the teachers of the State of Goa and wish the mall success” CM concluded.