Goa News

Inauguration of the Annual Matoli Bazaar by Minister Subhash Phal Dessai

Inauguration of the Annual Matoli Bazaar by Minister Subhash Phal Dessai

Social Welfare Minister Shri Subhash Phal Dessai in presence of MLA Quepem, Shri Alton Dcosta inaugurated Annual Matoli Bazaar organised by Atal Gram Development Agency and Navi Disha Cluster Foundation at Quepem. This bazaar is organised before Ganesh Chaturthi which accommodates Self Help Groups and individuals from Quepem Taluka comprising of 11 Village Panchayats and one Municipal Council.

Speaking on the occasion Shri Phal Dessai said our women have the potential, ability, skill, intelligence, talent, creativity and these qualities are not visible until they themselves come forward. Promotion, training, skilling, up skilling and reskilling of women is required and Matoli Bazaar is one of the medium and platform for that. We should accept the challenge, he added.

Leadership is important to advance in society and for this purpose the government is working through various means to bring about the change and potential among women. Matoli Bazaar is a programme which provides promotion, training and value addition. The skills of the rural areas shouldbe maintained and used professionally. Art and skill in rural and remote areas will be provided a place and value through Kunbi Village Project which will be built in the near future in Sanguem.

There is a need to appreciate and empower the women class and the government is working towards that. The government will continue toprovide concessions and schemes through various means, but we will have to act responsibly to make it happen. The government is working on the principle of Gramodaya, Sarvodaya and Antyodaya and it is determined to make India self-sufficient and self-sufficient Goa Shri Phal dessai said.

Inauguration of the Annual Matoli Bazaar by Minister Subhash Phal Dessai

MLA, Shri Dcosta said, to motivate women – concepts like Matoli Bazaar is really a good platform. Self Help Groups make women self-sufficient. Government cannot give employment to all because it can provide the requisite support to all through a lot of programmes and initiatives.

South Goa Zilla Panchayat Chairman, Smt Sanjana Velip said women will benefit from these 3 days Maltoli Bazar. They will get a market to sell their farm produce and homemade products, she said. Chairman, Atal Gram, Shri Shashikant Gaonkar said, Matoli Bazaar is the unique concept started by the Agency years ago and after that many Matoli Bazaars started. The aim of the Atal Gram is to make all self-sufficient.

Director, Atal Gram Agency, Shri Suhas Deikar; Block Development Officer, Shri Anil Naik; Zonal Agriculture Officer, Shri Sandesh Raut Dessai and others werepresent on the occasion.

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